For the Visionary Leader Who is Ready to Break Free From Patterns and Self Doubt Without Sacrificing Your Authenticity
The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides each individual with the key element for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, comprehensive action plans, positive and practical feedback and, most importantly, high level perspective.
When you know that you will be regularly masterminding with a coach – someone who is going to give you unwavering inspiration, and high-level support all the way to your goal – your commitment, enthusiasm, and belief in your goal increases exponentially.
A coach is the catalyst that helps you to reach new levels of personal achievement.
I began my Dream Builder journey with Deborah back in 2020. I did not know exactly what to expect or what I wanted to change, but I did know that I was not happy.
Every day I was pouring myself into my stressful job, not sleeping well and not feeling valued or happy in my current long-term relationship.
I knew that I needed to make a change to live the life I wanted and deserved, to improve my quality of life and feel better.
Participating in the program by listening to the CD’s, making uninterrupted time for myself, and most importantly doing the work, is what lead me to make a change.
The course forced me to think differently, to love myself and know that I deserved more than the life I was currently living. Deb guided me through the course with her expertise and passion to help others. She assisted me to learn more about myself and what I wanted while always being my biggest cheerleader. She was available for me whenever I wanted to talk, she guided me through some very difficult times and several tears while always encouraging me to build my dream.
My dream for myself was not anything out of reach. I wanted to be happy, I wanted a loving relationship with a partner that would make me a priority, a family man that also wanted to be part of my family and extended family. I wanted to plan for retirement, instead of working myself into the ground. I wanted to travel and see the world, truly enjoy my next chapters 😊
I am so excited to say that I am living my best life!! I am happy, changed my job, planning for retirement in 2025 and most importantly, I have a wonderful partner that I can be my true self with. He is so caring, loving, appreciative, hardworking, dedicated to family and makes our relationship a priority. Everything I wanted, that I included in my dream has become a reality!
Through the Dream Builder program I grew, improved my self-esteem, moved on from a status quo relationship, learned to appreciate and love myself, to know that I deserved so much more!
I will forever be grateful to Deborah Marlor for helping me to be my best self. She will always have a special place in my heart, and I am blessed to have her as my friend.
Thank you so much, I am living my best life forever!
Always grateful,
I can never thank you enough for all you did to help me figure out my next chapter and move forward in life. I remember you asked me what I wanted in our early conversations and I didn’t even know. I was having a hard time seeing my future and you really helped me figure out what I wanted. You also helped me move past a very difficult time. You helped me gain my confidence back and got me back on my feet- I am forever grateful for that! Stacey Zanetti
Stacey Zanetti
I have spent the last year learning how to dream again thanks to Deb Marlor and The Dream Builder course. I didn't even know that I had forgotten how to dream, but I had. I felt flat, gray, cranky and in doubt of the feasibility of the lifestyle I wanted to live. One of the first questions Deb asked me was, "what would you like?"
I remember thinking, 'what would I like?' well that doesn't really factor into things. I would recite the excuses I had created that always stopped my dream from taking flight. "I can't and I shouldn't" were my favorite go to excuses of my old thinking mindset. Her response was always, "why not?"
Over the next 6 months, Deb helped me untangle old patterns and thinking that had drowned my ability to believe that I could live a lifestyle that was freeing to my soul. I learned that the life I wanted to live was valid and with her help I stopped making excuses for not living the life I deserved.
Today, I write this from my sailboat in Florida Keys. I am exactly where I wanted to be! I am where I dreamed of being. I am living a full life expanded in every way and I just never could have done it without her help and encouragement. The lessons I have learned from Deb and The Dream Builder course stay with me. Those lessons have become a new me of sorts. When I find myself slipping back into old habits, which is human to do, I can quickly access the lessons I learned from Dream Builder and regroup. These are life changing lessons that you deserve and that will carry you from one dream to the next. They will create a new pattern in your soul that will allow you to begin to dream again and again and again.
Susan Page
My dearest Deb, thank you for helping me through the toughest times, and seeing me through. Forever blessed. I would not be studying Medicine in Malta, without having met you. You were my path to Medicine. XOXOX Forever grateful!
You have been the best coach I could ever have wanted. Because of you guidance and support , I am now living my “Ocean Dream”! You have been there every step of my journey and I am extremely grateful. You put me in touch with some wonderful people who are now part of my Caribbean community. You were there for me after I arrived in Grenada when I was absolutely overwhelmed!!! I’m feeling strong and I am now confident that I will continue to learn about my boat and learn to sail her . I’m loving my island life. I am where I want to be. I use my Brave Thinking Institute training and am tackling my transformation. You are the best! I am so happy that you came into my life at a time when I was searching for my dream.!
Thank you!
I am immensely grateful for the opportunity I had to be a part of the Dream Builder Program led by my exceptional mentor, Debi Marlor. Over the course of 12 weeks, Deb’s guidance and support have been nothing short of transformative in my life.
When I began this journey, I had dreams and aspirations, but they often felt like distant stars in the vast sky. Deb not only helped me reach for those stars, but also taught me that there was a structured process to follow. Her teaching style is not just informative; its inspirational. She has a unique ability to break down complex concepts into manageable steps, making the path to achieving my dreams feel more attainable.
One of the key lessons I have learned from Deb is that dreams are not just abstract desires; they are tangible goals waiting to be realized. Through her well-structured course material, she taught me how to turn my dreams into actionable plans. Her dedication to helping me define and refine my dreams was unwavering. It is thanks to her that I now understand that the universe in filled with opportunities and it is up to us to align our energy and intentions with our dreams to unlock these opportunities.
What truly sets Debbi apart is her genuine passion for helping others succeed. Her mentorship went beyond the classroom sessions; she provided on-on-one guidance, answered my questions and was always there to offer encouragement when I faced challenges. Her support made me feel like I had a true partner on my journey towards personal growth and self-discovery.
Deb Marlor’s commitment to my success it truly commendable. She has not only equipped me with the tools and knowledge to pursue my dreams, but has instilled in me the belief that I can achieve them. I can confidently say that I am leaving this course with a newfound sense of purpose and direction and it is all thanks to Deb.
In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Deb Marlor for her outstanding mentorship during this Dream Builder Program. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me unlock my potential and set a course for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Deb you are a true inspiration and I am excited to continue my journey with the skills and confidence you’ve instilled in me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hi I just completed the DreamBuilder course with Deb Marlor and I have to tell you what a life changing experience this has been for me. I have struggled for many many years with issues related to family members. Going through this experience has allowed me to resolve long standing issues that have really negatively impacted my life and relationship with my family members. That is the biggest impact that it has had but it has also helped me believe in my dreams. To identify them and carefully plan out how I can achieve dreams that I want and I’m very excited about the possibilities that this program has brought to my life. Deb is great to work with, she is very positive, very supportive and has affirmed me every step of the way. Helped me believe in the power that I possess within my own being. So I highly recommend the Dream Builder program and I highly recommend Deb Marlor, it has been life changing.
K Craig 2022
During a very stressful period in my life, with Deb's leadership, caring and guidance, I was able to visualize and actualize my dreams. Her methodology and materials will continue to serve me as I look to the future in new and expansive ways, knowing that dreams do come true.
Beth McDaniel
I began my Dream Builder journey with Deborah back in 2020. I did not know exactly what to expect or what I wanted to change, but I did know that I was not happy.
Every day I was pouring myself into my stressful job, not sleeping well and not feeling valued or happy in my current long-term relationship.
I knew that I needed to make a change to live the life I wanted and deserved, to improve my quality of life and feel better.
Participating in the program by listening to the CD’s, making uninterrupted time for myself, and most importantly doing the work, is what lead me to make a change.
The course forced me to think differently, to love myself and know that I deserved more than the life I was currently living. Deb guided me through the course with her expertise and passion to help others. She assisted me to learn more about myself and what I wanted while always being my biggest cheerleader. She was available for me whenever I wanted to talk, she guided me through some very difficult times and several tears while always encouraging me to build my dream.
My dream for myself was not anything out of reach. I wanted to be happy, I wanted a loving relationship with a partner that would make me a priority, a family man that also wanted to be part of my family and extended family. I wanted to plan for retirement, instead of working myself into the ground. I wanted to travel and see the world, truly enjoy my next chapters
I am so excited to say that I am living my best life!! I am happy, changed my job, planning for retirement in 2025 and most importantly, I have a wonderful partner that I can be my true self with. He is so caring, loving, appreciative, hardworking, dedicated to family and makes our relationship a priority.
Everything I wanted, that I included in my dream has become a reality!
Through the Dream Builder program I grew, improved my self-esteem, moved on from a status quo relationship, learned to appreciate and love myself, to know that I deserved so much more!
I will forever be grateful to Deborah Marlor for helping me to be my best self. She will always have a special place in my heart, and I am blessed to have her as my friend.
Thank you so much, I am living my best life forever!
Always grateful,
Deb and I have been working together in a coaching relationship for about a year. Our sessions are targeted, powerful and as well gentle. She is very present. Deb manages to hold you clearly and lovingly while still heading down the roads one needs to walk, however difficult. I find that her intuition is deep and accurate: she has access to levels of information beyond the obvious allowing shifts yo happen unexpectedly. I feel very blessed to be in this relationship.
For anyone desiring to move beyond the obstacles to create their own dreams in life Deb certainly has the skill, life experience and genuine high spirit to navigate with you.
Deb, is a woman who loves coaching from anywhere in the world, especially sailing the world with her husband. This is what it can look like when you truly love your life!
© 2023 Simplicity Coaching LLC