Still at the dock or still in your mind?
Not so long ago, I was working 80 – 90 hours a week, way to much travel for work, and just longing to sell my business. How was I going to make it happen? It was a great business and had been great for our family. There was a really big but! Every time we would go to our boat Simplicity I was at peace, calm, and joyful. It was extraordinary, I became a different person. I longed for these feelings but never experienced them in the same way at the office.

So, how would I create and live that life?
This sounds easy and it can be! I worked with a Coach to get specific and clear, one who continuously focused me when I would drift to the “how”. It is natural to try to figure out the how. It is different than your deciding on 3 action steps, completing them and then the next 3 action steps. Asking yourself what would I love. Writing down your vision of what you would love to be doing, having, being, with whom, and where.
Human nature is interesting in that some of you will go to your journal or grab a piece of paper and do this, others will think and keep asking the questions, others might read this I’ll do it later. How many people do you know who are actually living their dreams? Well, I am! I can support you, because I have been in your shoes.